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How to Pump New Life Into Existing Ministries

So you’ve got some really good ministries and small groups in your church, but membership is stagnant.  What can you do to spark new life into your programs?
Revive your ministries with a fresh look and approach. Shake things up a bit, and you’ll generate a great deal of new interest.

Step 1 – Evaluate your existing ministries

Are your various ministries meeting real needs within your church? Are they making a difference in people’s lives? What benefits do they provide the members? This information will help you develop your core ministry message and freshen up your ministries.

Step 2 – The Name Game

Today’s society is just too fast for details.  We now live in the world of the soundbite, in which a few words speak volumes. Therefore, to ignite interest in your ministry, start with the name.  The name you choose should be relevant, vibrant and life-affirming.  For example:

Old Name:  Men’s Group    
New Names: Man Power, Men on the Move, Millenium Men
Old Name: Women’s Group  
New Name: Total Women, Women of the Word (WOW)
Old Name: Youth Group   
New Name: The Edge, Crossroads, Ground Zero

Step 3 – The Look They’ll Love

Now take your new name and combine it with an equally energetic new look.  Well-designed logos have a great deal of power to create the right impression.  You may want to consider giving your ministries their own graphic identities with unique logos.  It can be as simple as a nice text treatment but should be attractive and professionally designed. 

The new logo can be used in conjunction with ministry information brochures and special events announcements to catch the readers eye. In order to help churches trim expenses for custom-designed logos, Outreach Inc. has created "Logos to Go." View them at or in our Outreach catalog.

Step 4 – Getting Down to Business

What are the goals for each ministry?  Remember that you are competing with the daily demands on your members’ time.  What’s in it for them?  Will these ministries help them find a more fulfilling life?   Improve their family relationships?  Give them relief from pain in their lives?  These are the messages to communicate.

If the benefits of your ministry are clear, you’ll gain their attention and attendance.  If you’re unsure of the main issues your members face or their reasons for attending the group, ask them. You’re programs and materials can be tailored to address those topics.

5 – Communicate

Make sure the church as a whole is aware of the activities and benefits of being part of the ministries. Use your newsletter or bulletin to keep everyone up-to-date on the latest victories and activities of each group.

The Bible is just as relevant today as ever, but many people don’t have that perception.  Show them what a difference God’s love can make in their lives by applying it in a very real way to 21st century life.