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It's VBS Time! - Vacation Bible School Products
Items 1 - 83 of 83

Join The Fun VBS Check In
Join The Fun VBS Check In
Floor Sticker
$17.00 ($29.00)
VBS Kids Check In
VBS Kids Check In
Floor Sticker
$17.00 ($29.00)
VBS Neon Check In
VBS Neon Check In
Floor Sticker
$17.00 ($29.00)
VBS Kids Sign Up
VBS Kids Sign Up
Floor Sticker
$17.00 ($29.00)
Join The Fun VBS Sign Up
Join The Fun VBS Sign Up
Floor Sticker
$17.00 ($29.00)
Curved Colors VBS Feet
Curved Colors VBS Feet
Floor Sticker
VBS Forest
VBS Forest
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
Curved Colors VBS Join the Fun
Curved Colors VBS Join the Fun
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($69.00)
VBS Join The Fun
VBS Join The Fun
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
VBS Neon
VBS Neon
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
Join The Fun VBS
Join The Fun VBS
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
Kids Camp Comic Burst
Kids Camp Comic Burst
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
VBS Kids
VBS Kids
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
Summer Camp Wood Grain
Summer Camp Wood Grain
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
Curved Colors VBS Welcome
Curved Colors VBS Welcome
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($69.00)
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($69.00)
VBS Colored Paint
VBS Colored Paint
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
VBS Squares
VBS Squares
2' x 6' Banner
$39.50 ($99.00)
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($139.00)
VBS Green Blue Red
VBS Green Blue Red
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($134.00)
Curved Colors VBS Join the Fun
Curved Colors VBS Join the Fun
3 x 5 Banner
$49.50 ($129.99)
Join The Fun VBS
Join The Fun VBS
3 x 5 Banner
$49.50 ($129.99)
VBS Kids
VBS Kids
3 x 5 Banner
$49.50 ($129.99)
VBS Kids
VBS Kids
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($139.00)
Kids Camp Comic Burst
Kids Camp Comic Burst
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($139.00)
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
3 x 5 Banner
$49.50 ($129.99)
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($139.00)
VBS Forest
VBS Forest
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($139.00)
VBS Youre Invited
VBS Youre Invited
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($134.00)
Join The Fun VBS
Join The Fun VBS
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($139.00)
VBS Squares
VBS Squares
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($139.00)
VBS Colored Paint
VBS Colored Paint
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($139.00)
VBS Forest
VBS Forest
3 x 5 Banner
$49.50 ($129.99)
Curved Colors VBS Join the Fun
Curved Colors VBS Join the Fun
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($139.00)
VBS Neon
VBS Neon
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($139.00)
VBS Neon
VBS Neon
3 x 5 Banner
$49.50 ($129.99)
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
3 x 5 Banner
$49.50 ($129.99)
Summer Camp Wood Grain
Summer Camp Wood Grain
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$49.50 ($139.00)
VBS Neon Check In
VBS Neon Check In
2' x 3' Banner
$69.00 ($89.00)
Join The Fun VBS Check In
Join The Fun VBS Check In
2' x 3' Banner
$69.00 ($89.00)
VBS Kids Check In
VBS Kids Check In
2' x 3' Banner
$69.00 ($89.00)
VBS Forest
VBS Forest
2' x 3' Banner
$69.00 ($89.00)
VBS Colored Paint
VBS Colored Paint
2' x 6' Banner
$99.00 ($149.00)
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
2' x 6' Banner
$99.00 ($149.00)
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
2' x 6' Banner
$99.00 ($149.00)
VBS Squares
VBS Squares
2' x 6' Banner
$99.00 ($149.00)
Join The Fun VBS
Join The Fun VBS
2' x 6' Banner
$99.00 ($149.00)
Curved Colors VBS Join the Fun
Curved Colors VBS Join the Fun
2' x 6' Banner
$99.00 ($149.00)
VBS Forest
VBS Forest
2' x 6' Banner
$99.00 ($149.00)
VBS Neon Pair
VBS Neon Pair
3 x 5 Banner (Set) / 2pk.
$99.00 ($267.00)
VBS Kids Pair
VBS Kids Pair
3 x 5 Banner (Set) / 2pk.
$99.00 ($267.00)
Kids Camp Comic Burst
Kids Camp Comic Burst
2' x 6' Banner
$99.00 ($149.00)
VBS Kids
VBS Kids
2' x 6' Banner
$99.00 ($149.00)
Summer Camp Wood Grain
Summer Camp Wood Grain
2' x 6' Banner
$99.00 ($149.00)
VBS Neon
VBS Neon
2' x 6' Banner
$99.00 ($149.00)
Summer Camp Wood Grain
Summer Camp Wood Grain
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($164.00)
VBS Kids
VBS Kids
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($164.00)
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($164.00)
VBS Squares
VBS Squares
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($164.00)
VBS Forest
VBS Forest
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($164.00)
VBS Neon
VBS Neon
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($164.00)
VBS Youre Invited
VBS Youre Invited
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($179.00)
Join The Fun VBS
Join The Fun VBS
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($164.00)
Curved Colors VBS Join the Fun
Curved Colors VBS Join the Fun
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($164.00)
Kids Camp Comic Burst
Kids Camp Comic Burst
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($164.00)
VBS Join The Fun
VBS Join The Fun
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($179.00)
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($164.00)
VBS Colored Paint
VBS Colored Paint
2'7" x 6'7" Banner
$119.00 ($164.00)
VBS Kids Pair
VBS Kids Pair
2' x 6' Banner (Set) / 2pk.
$198.00 ($277.00)
Join The Fun VBS Pair
Join The Fun VBS Pair
2' x 6' Banner (Set) / 2pk.
$198.00 ($277.00)
VBS Neon Pair
VBS Neon Pair
2' x 6' Banner (Set) / 2pk.
$198.00 ($277.00)
VBS Neon Pair
VBS Neon Pair
2'7" x 6'7" Banner (Set) / 2pk.
$238.00 ($297.00)
VBS Kids Pair
VBS Kids Pair
2'7" x 6'7" Banner (Set) / 2pk.
$238.00 ($297.00)
Join The Fun VBS Pair
Join The Fun VBS Pair
2'7" x 6'7" Banner (Set) / 2pk.
$238.00 ($297.00)
VBS Youre Invited
VBS Youre Invited
5' x 8' Banner
$249.00 ($387.99)
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up Check In
Curved Colors VBS Sign Up Check In
5' x 8' Curved Top Banner
VBS Forest
VBS Forest
9'8" x 7'2" Banner
$329.00 ($599.00)
Curved Colors VBS Welcome
Curved Colors VBS Welcome
9'8" x 7'2" Banner
$329.00 ($599.00)
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
Curved Colors VBS Check-In
9'8" x 7'2" Banner
$329.00 ($599.00)

Items 1 - 83 of 83

Summer Is Coming... Have You Planned For VBS Yet?

Easter is over and your ministry year is turning toward summer. Along with higher temperatures usually comes lower church attendance as families go on vacation or take the summer off. But for many churches, the one summer activity that actually brings in new people is Vacation Bible School or Kid’s Camp program.

No matter what you call your summer Kids activities, providing families with a fun, educational event for children is an important strategy for outreach and church growth. And while VBS can be labor intensive, many times the opportunity to reach new families and enfold them into your church is worth the efforts.

Here are a few key steps you can take to make the most of your VBS opportunity this year:

  1. Pick a fun theme-based curriculum - Initially, you might think that putting together your “own thing” for VBS would be easier and less expensive but when you look at everything that goes into 5 days of lessons, songs, videos, activities etc…choosing a pre-prepared kit makes a lot more sense. Most packages include different age-related activities and lessons that your volunteers can just pick up and implement. Click here to see two great options.
  2. Invite the Community - You work hard to plan a fun week for the kids, now make sure you are inviting unchurched families in your community to come participate too. The easiest way to spread the word is through direct mail invitations, outdoor banners and posters pinned up in local businesses. Click here to see resources to get you started.
  3. Empower your kids and families to invite their friends - Your church members are your best word-of-mouth promotion - make it easy for them to tell others about your VBS. Give every child and family a few small invitation cards with the benefits and details about your event. These cards can be handed out to friends and other soccer moms in the weeks leading up to summer.
  4. Give Parents a reason to come to church - It’s great if children come to your VBS and learn about Jesus, but what if you could make a connection with their parents too? One way to ensure that the adults spend a little time in your church and hear the Good News is to include a final session of VBS during a regular service at your church. Have the children perform the songs they learned and then while the kids go off to meet with their VBS class one last time, you can speak on a topic that most parents will find valuable.
  5. Add the families to your guest list - Make sure you are capturing the information on all the families that come to your VBS. Add their names to your visitors list and send them a Thank You note to make them feel valued. Then include them on regular email updates from your church -- just like you would a regular guest on a Sunday morning, this will help them feel like they are part of your church family.
  6. Provide them a reason to come back - Don’t let VBS be the end of your family outreach! It’s a good idea to plan another family-oriented event or series that you can invite everyone back to. The kids will want to come visit their friends again and parents will feel more comfortable because they have been to your church before.

This summer be intentional with your VBS planning, get volunteers and staff involved, and think through all the ways you can make the most of this opportunity to impact families in your community. Need some ideas and resources? Click here